Dr. Norton Sterrett and his wife Eloise (IVCF staff, from USA), the first staff workers of UESI sold their inherited property in Canada and bought Highfield in late 50s.
“In this place I will give Peace” – (Haggai 2: 9b)
was the promise given to the Sterretts as they settled in Highfield, Kotagiri. God has fulfilled this promise in the lives of many who visited it.
For many years UESI made use of this property for various programs. Highfield is a treasure, which the Sterretts gifted to UESI in 1966. The very name HIGHFIELD evokes exhilaration and thanks in many a heart. This sanctuary high up in the Nilgiris Hills, 7,400 feet MSL, has been a haven of spiritual rejuvenation and healing for many. This exotic retreat centre, known for peace and tranquillity has 8.4 acres of land with beautiful buildings and garden to stroll around and unwind.
For 55 years, hundreds of students, staff workers and graduates as families and individual from all over India were trained in life of faith, servant-hood and discipleship and sent to different places. Many still cherish the sweet memories of Highfield.

A place filled with God’s peace, presence and power to Transform the lives of individuals, families and groups so that they would go back and transmit God’s peace in the Campuses, Churches and Communities.
Core Values
Our fundamental beliefs and practices that we follow at Highfield.
Practicing Christian principles by prayer, reflection and study of God’s Word
Extending Christian hospitality through community living to exercise God’s love.
Promoting peace and tranquility to listen to God’s heart.
Encouraging creative ingenuity through innovative means to recognize God’s Power.
Maintaining neatness and a beautiful ambience to reflect God’s glory.
The development and growth of Highfield over the years